Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting

Never guess what your painter remembered to include or not. We have it covered.

Exterior Painting

Residential Exterior Paint Experts

  1. Obtain an estimate virtually (1-24hrs using form submission), or schedule an in-person bid meeting (2-3 days).
  2. We will confirm start date. There is a 25% bid deposit required for scheduling. We accept check, visa, or ACH payment.
  3. Kick-off meeting with United Painting Crew Leader.
  4. Complete project.

What's part of the service?

Every home is unique and we know how important both the aesthetic appeal and long term protection are to you and your assets. Our standard exterior painting estimates include the following:

  • Preparation using best practice standards which may include scraping, priming, sanding, replacing caulking where deteriorated and power washing are services that are included as part of our estimates.
  • Exterior painting is typically done using an airless sprayer and depending on substrate, back-rolled afterwards to obtain uniform finish.
  • Trim work, fascia etc are typically done via brush and roller, while doors and casings may be either brushed, rolled, or sprayed depending on the specific situation.
  • We use premium exterior paints from Sherwin Williams, and Benjamin Moore.

What’s included

All of our bids include the following:

  • All sundries (caulking, spackle, masing materials).
  • Paint from Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore. Specifically for exteriors we quote using Sherwin Williams A100 or Superpaint and Benjamin Moore Ultra Spec Exterior or Regal Select.
  • All labor.
  • Dedicated project manager.

Service reviews

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Stars Icon - Constructor X Webflow Template

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla nisl pretium massa sit scelerisque. Auctor odio habitant amet adipiscing massa rutrum nunc tortor hac. Dolor pellentesque est ut egestas tortor mollis. Elit eu, tortor enim curabitur id quis. Imperdiet.”

Sophia Moore
Los Angeles, CA
Stars Icon - Constructor X Webflow Template

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla nisl pretium massa sit scelerisque. Auctor odio habitant amet adipiscing massa rutrum nunc tortor hac. Dolor pellentesque est ut egestas tortor mollis. Elit eu, tortor enim curabitur id quis. Imperdiet.”

Sophia Moore
Los Angeles, CA
Stars Icon - Constructor X Webflow Template

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla nisl pretium massa sit scelerisque. Auctor odio habitant amet adipiscing massa rutrum nunc tortor hac. Dolor pellentesque est ut egestas tortor mollis. Elit eu, tortor enim curabitur id quis. Imperdiet.”

Sophia Moore
Los Angeles, CA

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